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Lighting Design Using Dialux Evo
Lighting Design Using Dialux Evo
Lesson 1 Introduction To Dialux Evo (2:20)
Lesson 2 How To Import Autocad Plan Into Dialux Evo (5:50)
Lesson 3 Tabs In Dialux Evo (3:08)
Lesson 4 Plans In Construction Tab Of Dialux Evo (11:22)
Lesson 5 Drawing The Building Outlines In Construction Site Tab Dialux Evo (7:59)
Lesson 6 Drawing Rooms In Dialux Evo (13:58)
Lesson 7 Drawing Doors And Windows In Dialux Evo (12:46)
Lesson 8 Spaces In Dialux Evo (13:02)
Lesson 9 Adding Ceilings To Dialux Evo (8:26)
Lesson 10 Quick Lesson On Cut Out Tool In Dialux Evo (5:13)
Lesson 11 Adding Furniture And Objects To Dialux Evo (17:51)
Lesson 12 Materials And Colors In Dialux Evo - Dialux Evo (12:53)
Lesson 13 Adding Catalogs To Dialux Evo - Dialux Evo (5:03)
Lesson 14 Selection and Adding Luminaries to Dialux Evo (20:37)
Lesson 15 Adding Room Settings In Dialux Evo (14:47)
Lesson 16 Adding Luminaries To Rooms In Dialux Evo (26:08)
Lesson 17 Lighting Calculations In Dialux Evo (14:16)
Lesson 18 Exporting Results to an Autocad File In Dialux Evo Part 1 (9:13)
Exporting Results to an Autocad File in Dialux Evo Part 2 (11:04)
Lesson 3 Tabs In Dialux Evo
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